Friday 6 June 2014

E-Cigarettes future

       In London on May 29th 2014, 53 leading scientist have warned the World Health Organization to not classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products. Scientists see this as a major decrease in diseases and deaths caused by smoking. The scientist say that e-cigarettes are “part of the solution,” not a part of the problem for fighting smoking. A total of 178 countries would be obliged to follow these rules and would restrict demands to e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are battery powered cartridges which produces nicotine vapour to help get the need of nicotine. Within the past two years the industries boomed with 3 billion in sales in 2013.  E-cigarettes are controversial due to the fact that they are new to the market. There have not been any long term studies of the health on people caused by e-cigarettes.

        E-cigarettes only contain nicotine to help to fight the need to smoke. By giving restriction to these products, it will put many lives at risks. Many people who have used these thought quitting smoking was not an option, but with e cigarettes it is. Many people in the world smoke a pack a day to keep up with their smoking addiction. Using e cigarettes is a good way to stop these addictions. There will not be anymore rancid smells from smokes and no more butts on the floor if everyone switches to e-cigarettes. 

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