Friday 6 June 2014

Honour Killing in Pakistan

      In Lahore, Pakistan on May 27th,2014, a pregnant woman was stoned to death by her family. She was killed while she was on her way to court for the abduction case her family filed against her husband. Immediately after the crime, the woman’s father was arrested for the murder charges. Arranged marriages are in the norm in the South Asian region, where “honour killings” are carried out by relatives as a punishment for adultery. The death of this woman took place in front of a busy court house in downtown. The public stoning was in front of many onlookers in broad daylight. The slain women Farzana Parveen who was 25, married against her family’s wish to Mohammad Iqbal who is 45. The woman’s father filed an “abduction case” which the couple fought. Around 20 of Parveen’s relatives waited outside of the courthouse to snatch her from Iqbal. When she resisted, her family beat her with bricks. The father “killed [his] daughter because she insulted all of [his] family” for marrying a man without his permission. He has no regret for doing this act.

     I can relate to the story because arranged marriages are high on my dad’s side of the family. There has not been any “honour killing” in my family but there has been disapproval for my dad marrying another race. In a world of rapid progression, it is disgusting this kind of stuff still happens. The father has no regrets for killing his own daughter. It is not acceptable to kill someone for marrying without their consent. It does not make sense that it is degrading to marry someone your love, but it is acceptable with your family’s reputation to murder your own offspring. There have been over 869 honour killings in Pakistan alone. The worst thing is that most of the crimes are often given light sentences. The world is progressing there is no room for outdated traditions. 

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