Friday 6 June 2014

Racism in the NBA

       Donald Sterling said he will not pay 2.5 million fines for his racist comments about Magic Johnson. On April 25, 2014 a recording of Donald Sterling was released saying to his mistress that she should not associate with black people and not  bring them to games. Several weeks after his racist comments, Donald had an interview with CNN where he personally attacks Magic Johnson. The commissioner Adam Sterling said he is trying to get rid of Sterling as quick as possible as he is “cancerous” to the league. The coach of the clippers, Doc Rivers, said he will not work for the team next season if Sterling is still head of the team. Many sponsors had dropped from the clippers organization such as State Farm.

        Donald Sterling seems to be a delusional man living back in the stone ages. His views on people should not be acceptable anymore. It was ironic that he was going to receive the lifetime achievement from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP). It is disappointing that this has been the main story of one of the best playoffs of my recent memory. I am glad that he will be banned for life from the NBA, but he will make over a billion dollars from the sale of the Clippers. He is making a large sum of money from being racist which should not make sense. In a league where over 70% of the players are of African descent, I do not know why he would want to be part of the NBA. He is the owner of a team in Los Angles, a city where most of the fans are minorities. This is a good way for not having people come to your games. Donald Sterling has tarnished the reputation of the NBA and he does not represent the values of what an owner should have. He had previously reports of racism and the league did not do anything to him. This has been Adam Silvers first true test of being the commissioner of the league and seems to be handling it well. “NAACP forgives, I don’t”- Adam Silver

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