Sunday 15 June 2014

Sitting On a Bench

   My visit to the park was tremendous. It was the perfect day to visit a park since the weather was beautiful. It was both hot and sunny which made the visit a bit amazing. It was around four o’clock when my friends and I both went to the park. We had to walk down the trail for about five minutes. There were trees, bushes and flowers all around us making the view breathtaking. I was on a journey looking for adventure searching for a bench.  As we were walking through the trail, we saw a little pond or I think it looked more like a ditch with water than a pond with some life form in it. The ground was pure wet from the night before which was raining. It made the trip a bit uncomfortable since I could feel the water and mud going into my shoes which made my feet wet. As we approached further and further into the trail, we couldn’t see a single bench in site. At that point I was disappointed since the trip to the park would have been a waste. As we kept on walking further and further in the trail we came upon stairs. Then we decided to walk all the way to the top and it wasn’t easy since the rain from yesterday made the stairs a bit slippery. As we walked up the stairs, it gave me an amazing view of the park. It was such a tremendous scene. At last we came to the top of the stairs .There we saw three benches all aligned up perfectly with one another to a beautiful scene. I came upon to a bench which said “John Warner April 1923- July 1964”. I chose this bench because it was interesting in how the family and friends have dedicated this bench to this person. I believe this person must have been really important to his friends and relatives as he done something great to have a whole bench dedicated to him. To show my appreciation and my respect to this person, I’ve chose this bench as a way for me to show how much respect I have for people who have benches dedicated to them. Also to show that people who have benches dedicated to them will not be forgotten. I believe it’s a big way for family members and friends to show that their loved one is getting the attention they need and deserve. As I sit on the bench which I have chosen, I could both feel and hear many things around me. It gives me a sense of pride when I’m sitting on bench that is dedicated to a person that must have been important to a family. When I sit on the bench it gave me a great view of the city around me. It’s as almost as if I could see the world. Since my bench is located on a higher ground, it gave a great bird’s eye view of the city. I could see the different types of buildings all stand up tall like a giant, the waves in the bay, the bridge which connects the cities and cars lined up traveling both ways from Vancouver to North Vancouver.  I could see the different kinds of roads which all leading in different kind of pathways.It made me realize how my English teacher was correct about roads which symbolizes one’s life. Roads can represent ones attitude, ideals and hopes about life and the journey of life and on howmany possibilities there are. It is interesting how going down different types of path can have a meaning on how one chooses to live a life. For example when one chooses to take the straight road means that one’s trying to live life as easily as possible while the one that’s taking rocky roads means that there are obstacles around that person which they will need to overcome. But as I sat on that bench and saw a great view of the roads and the different pathways it lead to, I understood those meanings in a figurative and metaphoric  way and I come to realize how one’s life  they have different choices on the way they want to live. From the bench, I could see a great view of the park. I could see the different types of trees and bushes, with the sun shining down on my face. At this point, I actually wanted to have my drawing book and just wanted to paint this extraordinary scene. After a while, both myself and my friend walked down the stairs, and walked down the trail where my so called journey of finding a bench ends. 

     If a bench was ever dedicated to me, I would like my inscription on the plate to say "treat the ones you love with care and respect". It is just a saying that I always thought of and I also want other people to think like that too. I believe that every single soul that reads my inscription should be able to understand it because it is intended to show them how important the people who are close to me. There are times during life when one dose not realizes how important their loved ones are until there is an issue where such as ones ego gets in the way or is gone. Maybe that person doesn’t realize it yet, but at least in time they might regret how they treated that person and how realize how much they love them. I believe that people do not realize how important their loved ones are until complications occur between them like an argument or a fight. I’m hoping that after someone reading my inscription, at least one person would learn something from it and hopefully will not a make the mistake on how they treat their loved ones and they will realize how important their loved ones are.

     There are many purposes to a park. There are different kinds of parks for different kinds of purposes. National parks have large areas with beautiful landscapes, plants and animals. It’s just a great for people who enjoy the outdoors the most and who like to adventure around. These kinds of parks are great way for those who appreciate the outdoors the most and for people who mostly love nature. Regional parks, which are mostly located near big population, are for the natural beauty, the historic interests and recreational fun and cultural opportunities. These parks are great for tourists who want to enjoy the fun. I believe it’s a great way to get to know both the history and the society of one’s country. Theses parks are usually intended to attract tourists and it’s usually under the control of the local government. Community parks also known as neighbourhood parks which are located all over in a community. It’s a place where families, friends and kids spend some time together. These kinds of parks usually have small gardens, playgrounds, and etc for people to enjoy. I believe it’s a great place for families to get together and bond. When I was young kid, I always enjoyed the visits to these parks with my family. It was a place where I always played sports, did fun activities like play tag and I always looked forward to the next visit. When I think about it now, visiting these kinds of parks is one of my childhood memories. Actually visiting parks would always be childhood memory for anyone. It’s just something a person or a child would never forget. Another purpose of parks is to remember people from the past. It can be soldiers, famous celebrities, heroes of one’s country, star athletes and etc. They can be remembered in any kind of way in a park. It can be on benches, statues, or they could have a tree in there honour. For example Stanley Park in Vancouver has hundreds of benches, which are in honour by one’s family and friends. It’s just a way to show how much they loved that person. There are also statues and gardens for those forgotten people. I believe it’s a great way to attract people to a park. One would learn on how important the person was and have a great view of the scene on how that’s person wants to be remembered. Some parks have attractions such as aquariums, swimming pools such as in Stanley Park. Another purpose of a park is just a place where you go to relax. One would just forget about all the problems in their life and just enjoy the peaceful time in the park.

     If I could dedicate a bench to anyone I would like the inscription on the bench to say “I will rise
and stand even more tall
. This quotes is from a poem called “Rise” which is written by Sagar Yaday that inspired me. I came upon this poem when I was researching a topic for this bench project and as I read this poem, it gave a much greater meaning of life and to live it. It inspired me on how I can overcome tough challenges in my life and how I can better myself. The great thing about this inscription is that one it would make one think about life and it should better my understanding on how to live it. As they read both the first and the last line of the poem on the bench, it should give them a good understanding about life. It should inspire a person to overcome all the challenges they face in life and to show how challenges in life shape you. I believe that all people, at least at one point of their life question themselves what is the meaning of life? Life is journey and it is what you make it. 

Rising // Rise

I will rise
After every fall 
I will rise
and stand even more tall 

I will rise
over the wall 
I will rise
above them all 

Like the sun
which never dies
though sets every night
every day it does rise 

Like the ocean
whose tides
many times they are down
but invariably they rise 

Like the trees
from seeds they arise
and heights great
they rise and rise 

After falling once,
twice and thrice
Again and again
I will rise and rise 

I will rise
after every fall 
After every fall
I will rise

By Sagar Yaday

Poem About My Bench

In the Bench of my mind
I feel the bench on my behind
How do I do this math question?
Soon I will sit here again 

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